Power is ephemeral, transient, borrowed but also ... OVERWHELMING! Loot the spells from fallen enemies to use for yourself. From the humblest Kobold's Sunder Armour, to the stunning Stomp of Mr Smite, to the mighty Lich King's Soul Reaper, turn their strongest abilities against them, or each other in PVP. This is a progressive server that will unlock level caps and content over several months to allow time to discover all of the interesting, powerful and game changing abilities which are available. Create an account and join us on Discord
- Rule 1. Be respectful.
- Rule 2. No cheating, hacking, exploiting.
- Rule 3. Multiboxing limited to MAX 2 accounts per player at a time. Forbidden in all PVP.
- Rule 4. No poaching or promoting other servers or personal content.
- Rule 5. No NSFW content.
- Rule 6. No spam.
Restore Password
Change Password
1. First of all, you must create an account. The account is used to log into both the game and our website. Click here to open the registration page
2. Install World of Warcraft - Wrath of the Lich King, updated to patch 3.3.5.
3. Open up the "World of Warcraft" directory. The default directory is "C:\Program Files\World of Warcraft". When you've found it, open up the directory called "data", then go into the directory called either enUS or enGB, depending on your client language.
4. Erase all text and change it to: set realmlist ephemeralpower.au
set realmlist ephemeralpower.au
Realmlist: ephemeralpower.au
Game version: 3.3.5a (12340)
Server Patch : Download